I am the first to admit that I love my sugar.
I have tried to go sugar free in the past without a goal and lasted maybe 30 days.
I felt amazing!
So why wouldn’t I just keep at it?
Well, emotions. And life. And not being prepared.
Being a comfort eater or emotional eater, the temptation of sugar is too strong and without having support and a sense of wonder about how to do things differently, it just wasn’t sustainable.
I’ve felt the call to go sugar free again but this time its different. It’s for a year.
And you know what, in a strange way, It feels so much easier knowing I have such a long time to get used to this new way of living.
Today is day 15 and I have managed to stay away from the obvious confectionary isle temptations. Which, for me is amazing.
I have been making treats instead. And believe me, I am no chef. I will always try to find a way to make what I want, the easiest way possible as my knowledge of cooking is altogether very basic.
I believe that this journey is not just about quitting the white stuff. It is about what I discover about myself along the way.
It’s the Sweet Wisdom that is uncovered that get’s pushed to the side when we choose the Sweet Stuff instead of listening to our own Sweet Wisdom.
When we tune into our bodies, we are connected with a powerful level of intuition and this happens automatically when we listen and act upon the guidance to change our diet.
And really what that means, is the act of changing what we put in our mouths that is driven by a higher knowing that we can no longer ignore.
I have been guided to quit the white stuff and for me that means changing the way I have always done things.
Sugar is a quick fix, it’s mindless and toxic on many levels. My goal isn’t to be perfectly free of sugars, it’s to become more creative with how I consume food. That means being playful with recipes’, making treats instead of buying them from the shop, being mindful and changing habits of a lifetime.
It’s a journey. There is no particular destination except for the feeling of enjoyment of making intuitive changes that will improve the body, mind and spirit along the way.
If you would like to get support and have fun whilst making intuitive changes to your health and diet, join me and many others in the facebook group SWEET WISDOM.
This group is inspiring, supportive and a safe place to share and explore this journey together.
Kimberley xx